Qustions and Answers

What is the desired purpose for these Bible songs?

The motive for writing the songs was not only to teach verses but also to help all of us meditate on the Scripture. I frequently have a song running through my head. When the words to the song are Scripture, it causes me to think over and over of what God has said. Those who meditate on Scripture have some wonderful promises they can claim (e.g. Psalm 1:1-3; Joshua 1:8, etc.) I set these guidelines:

  • I would use the King James Version;
  • I would use the exact words of the verse(s), not paraphrase them.

I chose the KJV for several reasons. First, I was most familiar with it. Second, I felt it was the most accurate and trustworthy translation of the original. Third, I was uncomfortable with a business copyrighting God’s Word, and, by using the KJV, I avoided this. Fourth, the uniqueness and beauty of the translation made it easier to set the words to music.

I did not want to paraphrase the verses because what the Scriptures mean to me is secondary to what God actually said and means. By rendering the exact words, those who learn the songs are meditating on the actual words of Scripture and the Spirit of God can use His Word to teach them about the Lord.

How were the verses chosen?

Often while reading the Bible, the Lord would speak to me through a verse and I would ask Him for a tune to help me remember it. Other people also shared verses with me and even asked me to write a tune for a particular verse. Too, I admit that my sense of humor motivated me to write some of the songs like Proverbs 21:9 and 27:15. Other humor came from the children themselves. After teaching Psalm 127:3 (“the fruit of the womb is His reward”) one mother questioned the wisdom of teaching her child a song about underwear, for she came home singing, “the fruit of the loom is His reward.”

How did the music get printed?

For some time I sought a means of preserving these songs in printed form. I wrote out the melodies by hand but this was tedious and unattractive. The answer was a computer program that could transcribe, print, and even transpose more professionally. Later I was able to play the song on a musical keyboard directly unto a staff where it could be edited, arranged, played, and printed. Because of this, music or PDF format sheets are available for all the music on the CDs.

How were the tapes/CDs recorded?

The first albums contain more songs because they were done with the guitar only, usually sung two or three times each. Once I got a keyboard, I was able to include ‘accompaniment only’ tracks, and even split trax, as with numbers 7 and 8. The cost was kept to a minimum because I did all of the recording, duplicating, designing, printing, collating, and distributing myself. The tapes are not designed to be performances but teaching aids. Tapes/CDs 1-3 are guitar only; #4-6 are accompanied with rhythms from the keyboard; #7-8 are fully arranged.

What is available?

  • Audio CDs of all nine recordings.
  • MP3 CD of all the music on all nine recordings.
  • Music in printed or PDF format downloaded.